By signing up to the SRTI, shipowners make a commitment to disclose their ship recycling policies and practices, with their brand recognized as an SRTI signatory and associated with transparent and responsible ship recycling alongside other SRTI signatories.

To become a signatory, shipowners must complete the disclosure questionnaire (including uploading the company logo), and pay the EUR 5,000 annual fee, to be arranged with the SRTI Secretariat once the questionnaire is complete.

Website maintenance – Important note on “Sign up” procedure

The website tool that allows shipowner to complete the Disclosure Questionnaire and the data visualization section are currently under maintenance. If you are a shipowner signing up to become an SRTI member, please do the following:

  • Download the editable pdf version of the Questionnaire here and send it back to us within 30 days. We will then manually upload and update your data.
  • Click on the “Join the SRTI” button below to complete the signatory form.


If you have questions or need help with this process please reach us out via email.

Join the SRTI
Photo credit: Swire Shipping

What value does the SRTI bring to shipowners?

Shipowners derive value from the SRTI by being part of a diverse community of likeminded sustainability leaders driving change across the industry. Shipowners demonstrate how responsible ship recycling is possible, providing evidence to their stakeholders – including customers, investors, NGOs, governments and the wider public – of a more transparent and accountable supply chain.

The SRTI allows a more level playing field for shipowners; association with the SRTI allows shipowners to distinguish themselves from their less transparent peers.

As SRTI signatories, shipowners are able to participate in the development of the initiative, providing inputs for the disclosure criteria, participating in SRTI events, and working with industry peers to raise the bar for current ship recycling practice.

How can shipowners use SRTI data?

Shipowners can draw on the data disclosed by their peers to learn about others’ approaches to ship recycling. SRTI data also provides a useful benchmark against which shipowners can monitor and report on their respective ship recycling and sustainability journeys.

Signing up to the SRTI

To become an SRTI signatory, shipowners should complete the disclosure questionnaire, which covers six areas:

  • Overall ship recycling approach
  • Ship recycling policy and standards
  • Policy for selling owned vessels for further trading
  • Ship recycling contract
  • Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) and ship recycling documentation
  • Implementation of the ship recycling policy and standard

Once the questionnaire has been completed, you will be contacted by the SRTI Secretariat to arrange payment of the 5,000 EUR annual fee.

Photo credit: Wallenius Wilhelmsen